Saturday, May 28, 2011

Jesus Saves

Because this is Memorial Day weekend and many people are traveling and away from church...I am going to take a break from our series: Are You A Fan or a Follower? We will resume the series next weekend by asking one of the most important questions you'll ever have to answer. 

This Sunday I'm bringing one of my all time favorite messages. I haven't shared this specific message in several years, but there is none that I like preaching more than this one. I believe that your appreciation of what Christ did for you on the cross will grow exponentially as you consider the wisdom of the cross. Hope you'll be in attendance tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. 

Tomorrow night at 6:30 p.m. we will have an abbreviated service and then head outside to enjoy some ice cream and fellowship together, as well as raise some much needed funds to help Lauren Gibson with her summer missions internship. 

Hope you'll be there and bring someone with you, too.