Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Home At Last...

Well, after nearly 2400 miles, almost 40 hours of driving through nine states (YES…I said 9 states), detours around the flooding Mississippi, a cracked windshield, an upper respiratory infection, laryngitis, pink eye, a visit to a medical clinic in Dallas, 4 prescriptions (and their aftereffects), a hail storm we drove through, pre-graduation festivities and GRADUATION (YAY!!) of our son from Dallas Theological Seminary with his Master of Theology Degree...we are finally home!

Here's the thing, if we had to do it all over again...we'd do it in a heartbeat. Sure, we'd like a little less drama than we experienced on this past trip, but there is nothing like seeing your children seeking the Lord and preparing themselves for even greater usefulness in His Kingdom.

Thank you to everyone who prayed for us while we were gone. Without a question we felt His presence in spite of the reversals we experienced. We're not of the opinion that following God guarantees you'll never have adversity. Actually, being devoted to Him may well increase the challenges you face as He matures you through the tests you experience. 

Most importantly, please continue to pray for JD and Katie as they finish their work there in Dallas and then begin looking for their next opportunity of service. I wish it could be here with us at LMBC, but that's not God's will at the present time. Maybe in the future he'll be called to return to his home church and help us do an even greater work for God in this place. Right now our desire is for he and Katie to be clearly directed to the right church or ministry opportunity that will allow them to further develop as servants of God, while impacting people for Christ's Kingdom.