Friday, May 20, 2011

Is it possible to know when Jesus is coming back?

Is it possible to know when Jesus is coming back?

Harold Camping
So many have been talking about Harold Camping and his prediction that the rapture of living Christians will occur today, May 20, 2011, that I decided to post something for people to check out for guidance. In spite of the fact that the scripture says no one can know the day or hour that Jesus is to return there are people like Camping that believe these texts apply to everyone but themselves. And, this is not the first false prophecy of the end of the world for Camping. He did this in 1994, as well. Rather than write about this ludicrous prediction you can click on the blue link above and read the article at the "" web site. As a matter of fact, I'd recommend that you bookmark this web site and return to it often. It has some great answers to common questions people ask about scripture and many other matters of religious life.