Monday, April 01, 2024

The Power of the Tongue...for Good!

On his first day as a new clerk in the green goods department of his local grocery store, a young man found himself face-to-face with a customer who had a rather unusual request: she wanted to buy half a head of lettuce. He gently tried to steer her away from this idea, but she was adamant about what she wanted.

Eventually, he sighed, "Alright, let me check with the manager."

He started to head towards the back of the store, oblivious to the fact that the customer was following him. As soon as he reached the manager, he blurted out, "We've got a bit of an oddball out there who wants to buy half a head of lettuce. What do I tell her?"

Catching the manager's shocked expression, he quickly turned around and noticed the woman. Swiftly, he added, "And this lovely lady here wants to buy the other half. Is that okay?"

Visibly relieved, the manager agreed, "Of course, that would be fine."

Later that day, the manager commended the young man for his quick thinking. Curious, he asked, "Where do you hail from, son?"

The boy replied with a grin, "I'm from Toronto, Canada, home to fabulous hockey players and, well, not-so-fabulous looking women."

Upon hearing this, the manager raised an eyebrow and said, "My wife's from Toronto."

Without missing a beat, the young man asked, "Oh really, which team did she play for?"

Because what we say can get us into so much trouble, I want you to take a spiritual journey with me into the heart of the book of James. We specifically want to spend our time in the third chapter, where we learn about an incredibly powerful element of our being: the human tongue. 

James utilizes language in a purposefully vivid and striking manner to communicate the significance of the words we use. Although they may seem to be fleeting whispers that punctuate the air and then disappear, our words actually have the ability to leave a lasting impression, either positive or negative, on the world around us.

Take a moment to visualize a majestic stallion in all its splendor, roaming free across vast plains. This magnificent creature is the epitome of raw power and untamed spirit, a true force of nature that commands our admiration. As awe-inspiring as this beautiful animal might be, it still requires a rider, someone who can provide direction and channel the abundant energy of this creature in a meaningful and useful manner.

James uses a horse and its bridle as a metaphor for how we use our tongues (James 3:3). They are reservoirs of immense potential and power. They can construct bridges of love and mutual understanding, using heartfelt words of encouragement and praise. They can provide solace to a troubled soul with soothing whispers of consolation. They can even ignite a burning fire of passion within others through inspiring words.

However, just like the untamed stallion, our tongues are also prone to loss of control or careless comments. They can release venomous words in the form of harsh criticism and malicious gossip. They can trample upon relationships with reckless and thoughtless words of anger. They can set a path of destruction ablaze with negativity and deceit.

This is where we all encounter a profound challenge. Unlike the stallion, which can be tamed to a certain extent, James says that our tongues are restless entities, always on the verge of erupting. However, the fact that we can't completely tame them doesn't mean that we are helpless in controlling them.

Consider a horse’s bridle. It doesn't rob the stallion of its inherent strength, but rather, it gives the rider the ability to direct that power in a positive and beneficial manner. Similarly, all of us require a metaphorical "bridle" for our tongues.

So what does this bridle consist of? It is a collection of several elements:

  • Thoughtful reflection: Before we let our words loose into the world, it's crucial to take a moment to reflect on their potential ramifications. Are they building up or tearing down? Are they spreading love or fostering negativity?

  • Guarded hearts: The Scripture says, "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." This means that if our hearts are filled with love, kindness, and forgiveness, our words will naturally reflect these attributes.

  • Seeking wisdom: The Bible enlightens us that wisdom is characterized by gentleness, peace, and mercy (James 3:17). By actively seeking wisdom, we learn to harness the power of our words for positive ends.

By effectively employing these tools, we can gain better control over our tongues, directing them toward a path of love, encouragement, and positive influence. Always remember, our words hold the power to either bless or curse. Let us make the conscious decision to use them for the glory of God and for the uplifting of our fellow human beings.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

A More Vibrant Prayer Life

Prayer is an incredibly powerful privilege that allows us to communicate with God, the Almighty Creator of our vast universe. It is a privilege that we should wholeheartedly embrace and take full advantage of as believers in Christ. Through prayer, we have the amazing opportunity to pour out our hearts, express our deepest desires, seek divine guidance, find solace and comfort, and tangibly experience the presence of God in every aspect of our lives.

However, I too often catch myself offering prayers that are more self-centered or focused mostly on temporary matters. I tend to spend more time asking for things that are important in the present moment rather than seeking the things that hold eternal significance. I believe many of us fall into this pattern, where our prayers revolve around our immediate needs and desires rather than eternal ones.
"For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." (Eph. 3:14-19)
In this enlightening passage, the apostle Paul, known for his godly wisdom, beautifully writes about the unifying and reconciling work of Jesus Christ. It is through His boundless grace and love that Jews and Gentiles are brought together as one unified body, known as the Church, a testament to the remarkable power of His redemptive work. This noteworthy unity not only serves as a testament to God’s limitless grace but also as a reminder that our relationship with Him has the potential to bring us blessings that exceed our human understanding. Let take a few moments and immerse ourselves in the richness of this transformative relationship and continue to explore the profound power of prayer in our lives. 

Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian believers contains three key requests. Each request builds upon the previous one, creating a magnificent progression towards the ultimate goal. The fulfillment of Paul’s third request is closely tied to the fulfillment of his second request, and the fulfillment of his second request is dependent on the fulfillment of his first request. Therefore, the most profound and significant aspect that Paul desires for these believers, as stated in his first prayer request, is to be “strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man.”

By referring to the “inner man,” Paul is alluding to the part of our being that is spiritually awakened and intimately connected to God. It represents our regenerated nature, which we receive as a glorious gift when we place our faith in Christ, thus experiencing the miracle of salvation. This inner man delights in God’s commandments and undergoes continuous renewal day by day. The strengthening that Paul fervently desires for the Ephesians is a direct result of the indwelling work of the Holy Spirit within us, and it is in complete harmony with the immeasurable richness of God’s glory.

When believers are fortified and empowered by the indwelling presence of God’s Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ Himself is resident in their hearts. This signifies the idea that Christ should be “at home” in our hearts, having unrestricted access to every area of our lives to scrutinize our motives, thoughts, and actions. It is a profound call for each of us to surrender ourselves entirely to Christ and allow Him to effect a radical transformation within us, starting from the very core of our being.

Paul’s second request is for believers to grasp the immeasurable love that God has lavished upon us—an incomprehensible love that surpasses all human understanding. Paul skillfully employs directional words to vividly illustrate God’s vast and boundless love. While each direction individually emphasizes a specific facet of God’s love, Paul’s intention is to skillfully weave these words into one resounding statement, showcasing the all-encompassing nature of God’s love.

God’s love is wide enough to embrace every human being, long enough to span from eternity to eternity, deep enough to reach the unfathomable depths of hell, and high enough to elevate us into the very presence of God. The ultimate demonstration of this extraordinary love is beautifully manifested in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross, where He willingly laid down His life to atone for our sins. Despite Paul’s repeated references to the Ephesian believers as being “in Christ,” he acknowledges that their comprehension of the depth of God’s love for them may be incomplete. Consequently, Paul ardently desires for them to fully grasp and comprehend the magnitude of the love that the Creator of the universe has lavished upon them.

Before concluding his majestic prayer with a resounding doxology of praise to God, Paul presents one final request. He fervently prays that these believers may be filled with the “fullness of God.” While only Jesus Himself is capable of being filled with the complete fullness of God, Paul’s prayer is an impassioned plea for these believers to walk in an increasingly spiritual maturity and experience a deeper intimacy with God. It is a profound call for us to relentlessly pursue a heightened understanding and encounter of God’s tangible presence in every facet of our lives.

As we deeply reflect on these three remarkable requests made by Paul, we come to the realization that he is asking for exceedingly incredible things on behalf of the Ephesian believers. But can God truly fulfill these requests? In a manner that is difficult for our finite minds to fully comprehend, Paul confidently and emphatically declares, “YES!”

Ephesians 1:20 can be paraphrased and resoundingly proclaimed as follows:
  • “Now to Him who is immeasurably capable.”
  • “Now to Him who is immeasurably capable of doing.”
  • “Now to Him who is immeasurably capable of doing exceedingly.”
  • “Now to Him who is immeasurably capable of doing exceedingly abundant.”
  • “Now to Him who is immeasurably capable of doing exceedingly abundant beyond measure.”
  • “Now to Him who is immeasurably capable of doing exceedingly abundant beyond measure, far surpassing anything we could ever ask or even imagine.”
  • “Now to Him who is immeasurably capable of doing exceedingly abundant beyond measure, far surpassing anything we could ever ask or even imagine, and surpassing the boundaries of human imagination.”

These awe-inspiring words powerfully convey the boundless power and limitless ability of God. There are absolutely no restrictions or limitations on what God can accomplish. He is immeasurably capable of bringing to fruition far more than we could ever begin to ask or even conceive within the confines of our finite minds.

Then, Paul concludes his prayer and resounding doxology by reminding us that praise and adoration are to be offered through Christ to God by the unified body of believers known as the Church.

It is vital to acknowledge two crucial aspects of this passage in relation to the Church.

First, recognizing and comprehending God’s love are magnified and deepened through our profound connection with other believers. Paul emphasizes that through our vibrant and authentic relationships with fellow believers in the Church, we gain a deeper understanding of the immensity of God’s love. By actively participating in the Church and bearing witness to the transformative impact of God’s love on other believers’ lives, we gradually recognize the vast magnitude of God’s love for us.

Second, praise, honor, and adoration to God are to be offered collectively and harmoniously as a unified body of believers rather than solely by individual members of the Church. While individual praise and worship are undoubtedly significant, Paul’s fervent request is for both Jews and Gentiles, who have been graciously adopted as God’s children and united in Christ, to join their voices together in corporate praise. By gathering as a vibrant community of believers, we deepen our understanding and experience of God’s boundless love and amplify our collective voices as we resoundingly offer our praises and worship to Him.

Therefore, let us wholeheartedly embrace the extraordinary privilege of prayer, diligently seeking to align our hearts with God’s perfect will and continually grow in understanding the immeasurable love that He lavishes upon us. May we consistently strive to be strengthened by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, grasp the limitless vastness of God’s love, and passionately pursue spiritual maturity. And as we do so, let us wholeheartedly and harmoniously offer our praises and worship to God, deeply acknowledging and gratefully embracing the immense blessings and love that He has so graciously bestowed upon us.

Imagine the possibilities that await us as we pray, seeking God’s will and guidance for our lives. Don't waste another minute, open your heart to God and let Him hear you pray!