Monday, May 18, 2020

A Word From The Wise (i.e., Solomon)...

“Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city.” (Proverbs 16:32 NLT) 

Patience is the ability to not blow up or give up when "the pressure is on." It enables you to endure the twists and turns that life throws at you! Patience is learned over time and through difficult experiences. However, as believers in Christ, the Holy Spirit will enable you to be patient as you live surrendered to God (cf. Gal. 5:22-23)! I think my mother said to me at least a thousand times when I was growing up, "Patience is a virtue!" And it truly is a virtue! Not many people have it or want it, but it's more valuable than being "powerful." Patience enables you to endure hardships that can make you better after experiencing them. "Power" does little to improve you and it is has the potential to corrupt you. It's great if you have both, but always choose to learn patience over chasing after power. Patience is necessary in every relationship that's meaningful to you and that you want to improve! It makes you faithful to others, even if others are unfaithful to you. Power will exploit your lack of inner patience causing you to lash out when you ought to be silent. Jesus demonstrated patience before Pilate when He was wrongly accused, but He refused to answer. He knew that enduring His suffering was the only way for mankind to have a right relationship with the Father! He had all power at His disposal to destroy the world and set Himself free, but He patiently endured the cross for you and me. Sometimes, for the sake of building better relationships, we just have to patiently "endure the cross" to find the way to peace!