Wednesday, May 06, 2020

A Word From The Wise (i.e., Solomon)...

“For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Nothing you desire can compare with it.” (Proverbs 8:11 NLT)

Acquiring God's wisdom is a lifelong pursuit and more valuable than any other thing you can desire in life. I really like Proverbs 8 because wisdom is personified as a companion of the Lord in all His actions, words and deeds! It's ever present with Him because it's "His" wisdom! Pursuing wisdom in essence means pursuing God! (Another description of wisdom I like is in James 3:17. Don't read that verse unless you are ready to be punched in the gut!) In this chapter wisdom calls out to us, is with Kings that rule well, was with God at the beginning and during creation, gives life to those that find it, etc., etc. Everything God says and does is wise! I'm in need of God's wisdom all the time. Actually, I pray for wisdom all the time. So much of life is confusing apart from God's wisdom. There are still lots of things I don't have figured out yet and I'm waiting on God to give me greater wisdom so I can understand them. What I do know is that operating according to God's wisdom always pays off. That doesn't mean life necessarily gets easier! Sometimes it gets a lot harder because the world we live in rejects God's wisdom. The wisdom of the world is contrary to the wisdom of most every area of life. What having God's wisdom does for us (when we apply it) is give us a sense of direction, confidence and fulfillment...even if everyone else opposes us for doing life God's way. God's wisdom comes through scripture, worship, preaching/teaching, godly counsel, the Holy Spirit's leading, the fear of the Lord, and other similar things! Make God’s wisdom your supreme goal and you’ll soon find yourself seeing the Lord at work everywhere in your life!