Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dr. And Mrs. Jeremy Shaffer

I'm not sure how to adequately express the pride we feel about our son-in-law, Jeremy Shaffer, earning his Doctor of Ministry degree from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary today. Anyone that has ever done doctoral work knows that there is a tremendous amount of research, writing, classwork, study, memorization, etc., etc., that goes into this educational accomplishment (Oh, and did I mention the Doctoral dissertation and then having to defend it?) From the first time we met him more then ten years ago we knew that he was something special and he has proven himself to be a man after God's own heart. We believe that this is a major milestone in his life that further positions him to be even more effective for the cause of Christ's Kingdom. They don't just give these things have to EARN them!! (Ignorance may be "bliss" to some people, but it is deadly for a minister of the Gospel and the people he leads.) As far as we are concerned he has already earned his "doctorate" in Christian character and now he has earned his educational D.Min. Congratulations, Jeremy! We are proud of you and we're so glad God placed you in our family. Keep your eyes on Jesus and believe God for even greater things in your life. Your best ministry days are all ahead of you.

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