Thursday, September 08, 2011

Small Group Failure

Our Small Groups will not work...
1. If their leaders are not committed disciples of Christ themselves.
  • Small groups don't create disciples…disciples create disciples.
  • “If you can read (i.e., the discussion questions to the group), you can lead.” (not true)
  • Learn (about Jesus)…Live (for Jesus)…Lead (others to Jesus)
Our Small Groups will not work...
2. If they are more interested in "gathering together" than "going out."

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore stay where you are and make Christians of the people you already know, baptizing them in the name of American consumer Christianity, and teaching them to sit in rooms with one another, read the Bible, and pray for one another. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age’” (Matthew 28:18-20, SGRV--Small Group Revised Version)

Would Jesus join our small group or would he be out rubbing shoulders with people seeking to lead them to salvation?

Modern-day small groups are too often producing:
  • …Christians who sit in circles and talk to one another inside a building.
  • …Who read and comment on the Bible.
  • …Who rant about how they long to “get out there” and do something that matters.
  • …That awkwardly end their time by sharing “prayer requests.”
  • …Who never see another person's life really changed.

Our Small Groups will not work...
3. If they rely on their organizational structure more than the power of the Spirit.

The first century church didn't have all the sophisticated organization or programing that 21st century churches employ and yet they turned the world upside-down. Their secret was the power of God's Spirit, not complex organization. There's nothing wrong with being organized, but it will never replace our need for God's enablement.

Our Small Groups will not work...
4. If all they do is teach people what to know, but fail to show them how to live.

There are two fundamental models of disciple-making from the ancient world: The Greek model and the Hebrew model. The Greek model is information-based and focuses on acquiring more knowledge.  The emphasis is on what subject is being studied. Jesus made His disciples in the journey, according to the Hebrew model. He taught them life lessons as He experienced life with them.  

Our Small Groups will not work...
5. If they fail to build relationships among the people that are in their groups.

Only 2% of Church members ever invite someone to church. Of the first-time visitors that accept the invitation only 10% end up becoming regular attendees. But, the likelihood of a first time guest becoming a member of the church increases to 50% when they are invited to a small group.