Thursday, September 29, 2011

Your Invitation

One afternoon author Patsy Clairmont found herself on an airplane, sitting next to a young marine. She writes about their interaction. "Hey, Marine, where are you coming from?" "Operation Desert Storm, Ma'am." "No kidding? Desert Storm! How long were you there?" I asked. "A year and a half. I'm on my way home. My family will be at the airport." I then commented that he must have thought about returning to his family and home many times while he was in the Middle East. "Oh, no, Ma'am," he replied. "We were taught never to think of what might never be, but to be fully available right where we were."

This month I’m asking you to prayerfully consider being “fully available right where you [are].” From the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains you have the opportunity to participate in touching the world with the Gospel of Christ. As hard as that may be for some to believe, when you become a partner in faith giving through LMBC, you are helping to take the Good News to places that you will probably never be able to go yourself.

This is one of the most exciting times of the year because for the entire month of October we are focusing on the very heartbeat of reach a lost world with His love. On the first three weekends of this month we will introduce you to a new missionary family going to a part of the world where we presently have no one taking the Gospel on our behalf. When you make a faith commitment to missions, above your tithes to our local ministry, you are enabling these missionaries and nearly 100 others like them to preach the love of Christ, establish churches, and care for the people in far away places.

Please, prayerfully consider joining our missions outreach by making a weekly or monthly financial commitment to faith giving. Help us close the gaps in the world where it’s impossible or extremely difficult to hear the name of Jesus. Your faithful gifts will make a huge difference for someone who needs to know Jesus. 

Your personal copy of the faith giving commitment card can be found in the Lobbies and Welcome Center of our church. Bring it with you each Sunday as you await God’s leading about the amount He would have you give. Then, when you know what He wants you to do, write your commitment on the perforated portion, tear it off, and simply place it in the offering, give it to a member of the pastoral staff, or send it by mail to the church address. Make sure to write your commitment on the portion you keep as well, to help remind you throughout the year.

Our prayer is that God will give our church the additional resources to join the teams of the three new missionary families you will meet this month.