Saturday, December 05, 2009

My Hero

Today, December, 5, 2009, my dad went to be with his Lord. For 87 years he lived his life seeking to honor Jesus Christ and he brought up his children to do the same. These last two years have been very difficult for him, as he struggled with ever increasing physical problems. Today he no longer struggles or feels the pains of this life. I already miss him more than words can possibly express!

This picture was taken five months ago (July 2009) during our family vacation at the beach. This is our families annual gathering that we have observed for the past thirty-five years. Dad struggled to come, but I'm glad he pushed himself to join us, as the talks we had on our condo deck will go with me the rest of my life.

Dad, welcome home to your "eternal dwelling" with the Savior you loved and honored. Maybe it won't be too long and the rest of us can join you for the greatest family gathering ever on the banks of the crystal flowing river.

I pray these few brief thoughts reflect the heart of a son with the deepest of love and highest of respect for the man he was PROUD to call his father!!

May God show me how to walk in your footsteps, dad...till we meet again. "Even so come, Lord Jesus."

Your Son,