Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Celebrating Christmas

Just so you will know...

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 66 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday and another 20 percent celebrate the event as a secular holiday.

Of those who celebrate Christmas, 81 percent believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God sent to earth to die for our sins and 72 percent say Jesus was born to a virgin.

Among all Americans, whether they celebrate Christmas or not, 82 percent say the person known to history as Jesus Christ actually walked the earth 2,000 years ago. Only three percent say he did not and 15 percent aren't sure.

Last year at this time, 64 percent of Americans said they planned to celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday, while 27 percent planned to celebrate in a secular fashion.

Also, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 81 percent of adults who celebrate Christmas agree that decorating their tree is a fun experience. Just a "Scroogelike" nine percent (9%) say the tradition is an unpleasant chore, while eight percent (8%) rate it somewhere in between. Women enjoy decorating the tree slightly more than men and young adults consider it more fun than their elders.