Saturday, March 03, 2012

Lewis Kids Connection

Over the next few months I want to highlight some of our ministries where God is doing some incredible things for His glory. There is no way I can write about every group where these things are happening, but I do want to highlight a few areas that are really exciting and are having a significant impact in our community of faith! You can check here frequently for updates or you can subscribe to the blog through email or RSS feed and you’ll receive them automatically. The registration for these alternate methods of accessing this information can be found on the right hand side of my blog homepage.

Let me begin these ministry highlights by reflecting on what God is doing with our children at LMBC. Whether you've been downstairs lately to see all the kids or not, you should know that we have a first-class children's program going on every Sunday and Wednesday while we are meeting for worship. We have had more new families visiting our church and registering their children in our Lewis Kids Connection than ever before and the AWANA program is bursting at the seams every Wednesday night.

Here are a few of the reasons I am excited about what is happening in this ministry:

1. The personnel: the Sunday children’s ministry is led by Dr. Jeremy/Rebekah Shaffer with the assistance of Deide McCommas. On Wednesday evenings Eddie/Kim Stephens lead our AWANA ministry in our Family Life Center and gymnasium. In addition to these ministry leaders we have some of the most godly and dedicated children’s workers anywhere in the country. You won’t find better people teaching your kids how to know God. They are an incredible group of dedicated and Christ-filled servants.

2. The purpose: the leaders of our children’s ministries have outlined the specific goals we are seeking to accomplish in the LKC program. For instance, if your child begins in the first grade and continues through the fifth grade, he/she will have learned every major Bible story, know the basic Bible doctrines of the Christian faith, understand his/her importance to Christ and His church, have an appreciation for creation science, develop a healthy self-image, and so much more. We don’t want your children to just “conform” to the Christian faith. We want them to be transformed by the Word of God that is implanted in their hearts. If you’d like more information about all of the defined purposes for our children’s ministry, please ask Jeremy or Rebekah Shaffer to give you a copy of these goals.

3. The safety: we have carefully thought through how to protect your children from harm while learning about their Savior. We do background checks on all children’s workers and require them to go through a thorough safety training program. All children must be checked in by their parents/guardians through our child check-in stations and then picked up using their personalized security code following the services. Security personnel patrol the doors and hallways to make sure that random people don’t just roam through the children’s areas. We have a pager system for our youngest children so that a parent/guardian can be silently called out of any service, if their child needs them in the nursery or toddler programs.

4. The cleanliness: we work meticulously at keeping the children’s rooms and areas as clean as is humanly possible. We clean the carpets, mop the floors, eliminate odors and keep the rooms bright, colorful, organized and safe.

5. The fun: our kids have a great time while they are at church and they learn by interacting, not just listening to lectures. Children's ministry should be one of the most exciting places in all the church! Our teachers utilize visual aids, video, contemporary music, drama, etc., to make it fun for the kids when they are here. Every year we have special events for the children: VBS, Easter egg hunts, parent/child activities, etc. What we want is for your children to beg to come back to LKC/AWANA and not have to be dragged kicking and screaming all the way.

6. The resources: our teachers are well-sourced with up-to-date materials and technology so that they can effectively impact your children with the truth of scripture. The lessons are preplanned to accomplish our purposes and teachers know what they are teaching weeks in advance of the lessons. We actively seek to use up-to-date methods to reach this modern and highly technological generation.

7. The love: your children will be loved with a godly compassion that will make you feel good about leaving them with us while you worship in the auditorium. It’s not just about teaching and programs. It’s about caring for children like Jesus cared for them and showing them they are important to Him and to us.

You get the idea, don't you? There are no more precious gifts that God has given to any parent than his/her children and we treat them that way. LMBC is kid-friendly with lots to do and fun in learning. Please pray that God will multiply the number of children coming to LKC and pass the word along to your friends and neighbors about all that God is doing through this wonderful ministry.