Wednesday, May 06, 2020

A Word From The Wise (i.e., Solomon)...

“Don’t say, ‘I will get even for this wrong.’ Wait for the LORD to handle the matter.” (‭Proverbs‬ ‭20‬:‭22‬ NLT)

I think the most difficult word in this verse is, "wait." When you've been wounded you don't want to "wait." You want vengeance now! Justice delayed seems like justice denied. The problem we have as fallible human beings is in bringing justice to a situation...justly. Our emotions and motivations too often get skewed when we are hurting. That's why we have to leave justice to the only One that can execute it justly. Besides, if we all got what we "rightly deserved" (justice) we would all be condemned. Let’s remind ourselves that when we want someone to pay for the wrong they did to us, that the measure of justice we desire for them may well be the measure of justice given back to us. Make the choice to leave vengeance to God and "wait" for Him to "handle the matter."