Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Word From The Wise (i.e., Solomon)...

“Fools make fun of guilt, but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation.” (Proverbs 14:9 NLT) 

There's a lot in Proverbs about the "fool" and several verses in this chapter reference him. The "fool" is someone that lives as if there is no God and thinks they won't ever have to answer to Him. That's why they "make fun of guilt." Their consciences have become so calloused to any sense of right or wrong that they don't recognize God's conviction deep within them. Of course, God can change their condition, if they begin to acknowledge Him and His authority over their lives. Godly people (those seeking God) know when they've wronged someone or offended God! There is a sense of "guilt" or conviction and they don't make excuses for their actions or attitudes. The more we "acknowledge" our guilt the more sensitive we become to it. Ultimately that leads to a growing desire to avoid the things that cause "guilt" and a deepening relationship with God and others! The good thing about "guilt" or conviction (as the Bible calls it) is that it can lead to genuine forgiveness and reconciliation with those that have been wronged...including God! When you feel the inner ache of "guilt," don't ignore it or drown it out. Evaluate whether you are actually wrong and if so, respond to the "guilt" with repentance, confession and reconciliation! It's the only way to live a life of honor before God and to feel good about yourself! By the way, no matter how you "feel" about something, if God says it's's right! If God says it's's wrong! Even if you "feel" no conviction (“guilt”) about something the scripture says is right or wrong, you're still not off the hook with Him. If you "know" what you should do and don't do're still fully responsible before God for your actions. (cf. James 4:17) Everybody answers to God ultimately! The "fool" just refuses to acknowledge that fact until it's too late.