Sunday, November 10, 2013

Incomparable Christ (#9)

Colossians 3:5-15

I was recently looking through some of our old high school annuals and two things stood out to me as I perused their pages. 1. My wife was a lot more popular in school than me. Her annual has writing on every page without an inch of space left for anyone else to write. Mine, on the other hand, has two short messages of less than three lines each that you have to look for on the BLANK pages. 2. The style of clothes we wore in the early 70’s look really silly now! Plaid bell-bottom pants, crazy-looking shirts and the hair styles...well, let’s just say they were unique.

If we were to transfer those exact styles to our present day without any modifications, most everybody would think we had lost our minds. And, we might become candidates for the hit TV show, “What Not To Wear!” Not that I like all of today’s styles, but I hope those 70’s styles never come back in the form I was wearing them. They fit that time period, I guess! I know I blended in with what everyone else was wearing, but I’m glad we have moved past those fashions to something a little more favorable to my figure, maturity and good sense.

Let me use those 70’s clothes as an analogy for a spiritual truth that Paul addresses in Colossians 3:5-15.

There are actions and attitudes that at one time were the “in” apparel to be worn. Just about everybody else still “wears” most of these styles and blends into the crowd because they do so. However, since we have met Jesus Christ as our Savior, those “styles” no longer look appropriate on the followers of Jesus Christ. They are “out of date” with who we really are in Him and can only be termed as relics of our past! Consequently, Paul gives instruction to “change our clothes” (3:8, 12) in order that we might be properly attired as representatives of Christ in this world. Our new “style” actually causes us to stand out in a crowd, but only in a good way.

There are three lists given by Paul from which we can learn about appropriate and inappropriate “apparel” for the Christian life.

His first list is in 3:5 (Paul frequently makes lists of vices dealing with sexual sins: 1 Corinthians 6:9, 18; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 5:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:3. This was obviously a very real issue in the first century, as it is in the twenty-first century.), the second in 3:8 and the last list in 3:12-15.

In each of the lists there are at least five vices or virtues listed. The first two lists combine to speak about ten vices that should no longer characterize the believer’s life (“apparel” that is no longer in style). We should remove these “fashion faux paus” from our closets and never allow ourselves to wear them again. The third list speaks to five virtues that we should “put on” every day as we model Christ for our world.  

Each of the words in each list is powerful in definition and helps us to understand what is “out of style” and what is “in style” for the believer.

  • “Fornication” (“sexual immorality”/NLT) -- is always first in Paul’s lists of sexual sins and refers to any type of illicit sexual relations, but especially those occurring between people not married to one another.
  • “Uncleanness” (“impurity”/NLT) -- usually follows “fornication” in Paul’s lists and refers to sexual impurity that lends itself to loose living and moral defilement.
  • “Passion” (“lust”/NLT)-- is unbridled desire and appetite for moral impurity.
  • “Evil Desire” (“evil desires”/NLT) -- is the most base cravings that lead to evil and immoral actions.
  • “Covetousness” (“greed”/NLT)-- is longing for something that belongs to someone else or placing supreme value on something not yet possessed. In a context of sexual exploitation, it may have meant more and more sexual pleasure at any cost! Some see others only as objects for personal, sexual gratification.

There is nothing very becoming about any of these evils and they certainly make for a “shabby appearance” when any person adorns them. We are to count ourselves as being dead (“put to death”) to these types of conduct and refuse to “clothe” our lives in any way with them. This can be a daily struggle for some, but it is an attire that must be “put off” (3:8) if we are going to “put on” (3:12) the garments of Christlikeness. These are the garments that you have to take outside and burn. You don’t hand them don’t to a consignment shop to pass on to someone else.

The second list moves from actions that are vices to attitudes that are the same (3:8-9). These, too, are unbecoming on a Christian and should be “put off” as attire choices from your spiritual “wardrobe.”

  • “Anger” (“anger”/NLT) -- is a strong, habitual attitude of animosity that is often brought on by deep-seated bitterness and unforgiveness. It is a constant, inner seething that periodically erupts into more visible consequences.
  • “Wrath” (“rage”/NLT)-- is an intense form of anger that erupts suddenly as outbursts of anger and rage involving verbal attacks and possibly violence.
  • “Malice” (“malicious behavior”/NLT) -- is an intense dislike that takes pleasure in seeing someone suffer that can result in harming another person either physically or in reputation. It is an ever present attitude of ill will towards others.
  • “Blasphemy” (“slander”/NLT)-- is strong intemperate language used toward another person in order to hurt them or impugn their character. It is speech that seeks to slander and/or tear down others.
  • “Filthy language” (“dirty language”/NLT) -- is communication that is lewd, indecent, corrupt and impure. Any type of foul, coarse, or obscene language falls within the definition of this word.
  • To these five, Paul adds in 3:9, “lying,” which is any misrepresentation of the truth, even if the words spoken are basically accurate. When your intent is to deceive for the purpose of personal benefit, even the inflection of your voice or the expression on your face can change the meaning of what you are saying. In politics they call this “spinning” a story.

It’s likely that people knew the first list of vices were wrong for believers. The additional list appears to be Paul clarifying that it’s not just sexual sins that defile us, but social sins, too (“But now you yourselves are to put put off all of these…”). Neither of these two lists are intended to be exhaustive, but they illustrate the types of vices present in Colossian society that are universally found in every society. To this list other scripture texts could be used to add additional vices that are “out of date” and “unattractive” when worn by any person, especially by believers.

When anger, rage, malice, slander, filthy language, and lying stop, the result is relationships are repaired...whether in social settings or in the home.

Having listed ten vices, Paul turns his attention to five virtues (3:12) that should “adorn” every believer and that are always in style.

  • “Tender mercies” (“tenderhearted”/NLT) -- is compassion whether in speech or in action shown toward others. It is to be the constant attitude of the believer, making him/her easy to live with.
  • “Kindness” (“mercy”/NLT) -- is the attitude of good will and is the demonstration of an unselfish spirit in doing for others. (cf. Ephesians 4:32)
  • “Humility” (“kindness”/NLT) -- is lowliness of mind characterized by the desire to esteem others better than oneself. The pagan world admired domination and pride, but Jesus perfectly modeled humility. (Philippians 2:1ff)
  • “Meekness” (“gentleness”/NLT) -- is strength under control. It is the attitude of walking in grace toward all men. The word is used of soothing winds, healing medicines, and colts that have been broken. Any of these (winds, medicines or colts) are powerful when under control and potentially deadly when they are out of control. In other words, a person that is “meek” doesn’t fly off the handle, but is calm, steady and under control.

W.E. Vine says about this word…“The common assumption is that when a man is meek, it is because he cannot help himself; but the Lord was “meek” because He had the infinite resources of God at His command. Described negatively, meekness is the opposite to self-assertiveness and self-interest…” (W. E. Vine, Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, p. 56)

  • “Longsuffering” (“patience”/NLT) -- is patience under provocation that endures offense and refuses to retaliate.

Growing out of these five virtues also comes tolerance (“bearing with one another” or “make allowance for each others faults”/NLT) and “forgiveness” (3:13), all of which are held together by “love” (3:14).
Warren Wiersbe writes, “It is not enough that the Christian must endure grief and provocation, and refuse to retaliate; he must also forgive the troublemaker. If he does not then feelings of malice will develop in the heart; and these can lead to greater sins.” (Warren Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, p. 139)

There couldn’t be more beautiful garments than the ones Paul just described. Neither could any other garments “model” Christ more powerfully.

And, we should desire to be “clothed” in these things because we are God’s chosen people that are set apart unto Him (“holy”--3:12).

It’s important to notice that these specific virtues are intended to be utilized in community with other believers. These are qualities that are “put on” so we can function as a family and as a testimony to the world around us. Holiness is not exclusively defined by acts of private devotion; it also pertains to public occasions when the community can express its status as God’s chosen people through biblical responses to others. Our personal salvation should always be embodied in our public relationships (cf. Eph 2:11–22).

And, the motivation for “put[ting] on” the appropriate apparel as believers is that in salvation God took away our old garments and gave us new ones...POSITIONALLY this is how we are dressed (3:9-10). Now, we are to daily stand in front of the mirror of God’s Word and PRACTICALLY “put on” the type of garments He has already “put on” us positionally.

It’s as we live in this fashion that the “peace of God” rules within us and “thankfulness” can be expressed by us.

“What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don’t they come from the evil desires at war within you?” (James 4:1 NLT)

What do you have on today? If it doesn’t look like the description of the virtues mentioned in 3:12-15, then it’s time to change out of your old tattered garments. They are out of style and make you a candidate for a “What Not To Wear” episode with God!

If you are a soldier, you dress the part. If you are a football player, you dress the part. If you are a police officer, you dress the part. If you are a Christian, you must dress the part.

The resurrection life demands a complete change of costume!!