Friday, December 02, 2011

Gifts for Jesus

Did you know that if statistics hold true again this year that after Christmas there will be nearly a million unwanted presents that will be sold on eBay...including some that will still be in their original gift wrapping?

Look at a few of the after Christmas sale items from last year:

  • An easy-to-knit scarf kit, described by the seller as "a lovely idea but I cannot knit and really don't have time to learn."
  • A Simpson’s cuckoo clock, girl's lilac boots, and a pair of Red Monkey jeans.
  • One lady in London was selling a pair of Prada shoes given to her by her brother. She said, "I hate them. They’re old-fashioned court shoes, a style I'd never wear."
  • Another man wrote about a gift he was selling, "Re-homing a present [don’t you just love how we say things to make them sound better] means it will find a new owner who will really appreciate it."

Now, to be frank with you, some of the things on eBay’s list make me wonder more about the gift-giver than the gift-seller. But, we all know that there are going to be some items we give (and get) this Christmas that will never see the light of day.

Let’s be totally honest with ourselves for a moment. If we received absolutely nothing this Christmas, except for a grateful heart for the things we already possess, most of us would be just fine. I’m not suggesting that you stop your gift-giving or that you forget those important people in your life. I’m just saying that most of us have all we need even if we don’t get any gifts this holiday season.

But, there is one person on our Christmas list that we should never forget and that’s the One whose birthday we are celebrating.

Let me ask you an unusual question. When you celebrate your birthday, who receives the presents, you or the guests who are celebrating with you? And, if someone was upset about not receiving a gift at your birthday party you’d probably just tell them, “It’s not your birthday we’re celebrating anyway!”

So, what do you give the “Person” (Jesus) who has everything? You give Him exactly what He asks for all year make Him known to the ends of the earth.

This year you can give a gift to Jesus for His birthday by giving to our “Gifts for Jesus Offering” on Sunday, December 18. Every dime of the offering goes to making Jesus known to our Tri-State and beyond through our Daily Walk TV ministry.

There’s a special Christmas offering envelope for this purpose that is among your regular offering envelopes you received in your mail for December (LMBC members). If you didn’t get one of these envelopes or you need a replacement you will find additional Christmas envelopes in all of the entrances of the church.

If you're not a member of LMBC and want to give to this special offering to help us take His love by way of our TV broadcast to more than 40 counties in WV, OH, and KY, then you can do so by sending your gift to 5385 W. Pea Ridge Road, Huntington, WV, 25705. Be sure to mark your gift for this specific purpose ("Gifts for Jesus Offering") in the memo portion of your check.

Please join us this year in making sure that the One whose birth we celebrate isn’t the One who is forgotten on His birthday.

I one will ever re-gift their new life they discover in Christ because you helped us take Jesus’ love to them.