Monday, September 07, 2009

Encourage Me!

He walked right past me as we entered the church last Sunday. We smiled at each other and exchanged a few pleasantries before taking our places in the sanctuary. I didn’t notice anything unusual and he participated in the service along with the rest of us. It looked like he was even enjoying himself, so how was I suppose to know that his pain was so deep? If he had said something to me or looked like he needed me I would have done anything to help him, but I just didn’t know. It’s not my fault!

Though this account is fictional, it is true that too often we are so wrapped up in our own worlds that we fail to realize that people all around us are in the midst of great struggles. Neither is it uncommon for those struggles to be hidden behind smiles that mask the depth of pain they really feel. The well known author/preacher, Warren Wiersbe quoting an old British preacher, said, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle.” How true are those words! Many of the people you meet today, whether you recognize it or not, will be in the throes of agony and in need of an encouraging word. Hasn’t God called all of us to be encouragers? (Hebrews 10:25) Some people just need a kind word, a listening ear, a helping hand, or a pat on the back, but in so doing all of us can become instruments of God’s peace. Let’s intentionally set out to encourage someone today. Even if they don't "look" like they need any encouragement...go ahead and encourage them anyway. It might surprise you what people are facing. It'll make you feel better, too.