Sunday, June 17, 2012

Passing On The Torch

Psalm 78:1-8

    1. The Olympic Torch Relay actually began in the Ancient Olympics, but was revived at the 1936 Berlin Games. Originally, the torch was lit at Olympia in Greece and then carried by relay to the host-city of the games. The last runner carries the torch into the Olympic Stadium during the Opening Ceremony. The flame is then lit from the torch and will remain lit until it is extinguished during the Closing Ceremony. The Torch Relay symbolizes the passing of Olympic traditions from one generation to the next!

      God has placed upon us as parents the responsibility of passing on the biblical traditions/truth from one generation to the next, as well. This is a task that is committed primarily to the parents as they have the opportunity for the greatest influence on the children.

      Dr. Howard Hendricks, long time professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, author of sixteen books, and Chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys (1976-1984) said, “Your home is the number one influence in the life of your child. The average church has a child 1% of his time, the home has him 83% of his time and the school for the remaining 16%. This does not minimize the need for churches and schools, but it establishes the fact your home is 83% of your child's world and you have only one time around to make it of maximum benefit.”

      The home is God’s primary method for raising children as even the writing of Asaph indicates in the 78th Psalm. Asaph was the Minister of Music at the Temple during King David’s reign over Israel. This Psalm is meant to be an instructional Psalm teaching the Jewish people about their waywardness and the mercy of God towards them.

      One of the main reasons for Israel’s repeated disobedience to God is found in the failure of the parents to properly instruct their children and pass on the faith to the next generation.

      Words/thoughts of importance in the text:
      • “law” (v. 1) is the Hebrew word Torah. Usually we think of the Torah as being the first five books of the Old Testament, but here it carries its basic meaning of “instruction.”
      • “Incline” (v. 1) means to “stretch out, extend, bend” and it gives the idea of people leaning in to hear what’s being said. It can be used for the ears of a dog or horse that stretch out/turn to hear what their master is saying or in response to noises. Asaph wants Israel to hear his instruction and not miss it!
      • Asaph will be teaching through parables and riddles (i.e., secret sayings shared by the people). He will be using methods that make truth simple and explain difficult things.
      • This tradition/truth he wants them to learn is rooted in the scripture (“a testimony,” “a law,” v. 5). The stories he’s going to tell are based on biblical truth...from the historical record.
      • Potentially, five generations are mentioned here: 1. “Our fathers” (v.5a), 2. “Their children” (v. 5b), 3. “The generation to come” (v. 6a), 4. “The children” (6b), 5. “Their children” (v. 6c). Some only see four generations, but the point is that the message (torch) must be passed along from one generation to the next.
      • There are six outcomes when teaching truth to children the Psalmist wants to see accomplished: 1. That they “might know Him” (v. 6a), 2. “That they may arise and declare them” (v.6b), 3. ”That they may set their hope in God” (v. 7a), 4. That they would “not forget the works of God” (v. 7b), 5. That they might “keep His commandments” (7c), 6. That they might “not be like their fathers” (v. 8).
      • The three core reasons are numbers 3 through 5.

      Three facts are emphasized by the Psalmist concerning the training process:
      1. The Proper Message for Child Training
      • There are many things that we need to communicate to our children, but none is more important than teaching them God’s Word.
      • The stories and riddles Asaph wanted to pass along dealt with things that were all rooted in the scripture (v. 5).
      • There are 168 hours in a week and the church only has your children for maybe three or four of those hours.
      • If Dr. Hendricks statistics (see introduction) are remotely accurate the overwhelming opportunity for influence in a child’s life is through his/her parents.
      • There is no place for neutrality in this realm (spiritual realm) of instruction for our children. Some parents say they don’t want to force religion on their children and want them to make up their minds for themselves. This sounds sophisticated in our modern society, but it is spiritually lethal to our children. “If neutrality is the attitude of the parents then it will become the religion of their children.” --Hampton Keathley
      • Why would a parent leave the choice of religious instruction up to the child, but not math, science, history, geography, etc.? You prioritize what’s important!!
      • We hide the truth of God from our children when we fail to teach it to them (v. 4).
      • After the giving of the Law, God told His people to teach His truth faithfully/diligently to the next generation (cf. Deuteronomy 6:7-9, cf. 4:9; Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4).
      • We spend thousands of dollars making sure our children are properly trained in many different disciplines of life, but fail to teach them in the one area that has eternal value and consequences. That’s just foolishness!!
      • Dr. Haddon Robinson, Distinguished Professor of Preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary said, “We purchase the latest volumes on child care so we can raise our children by the book, but we have concentrated on the wrong book!”
      • Teach your children what/why to believe and do it from the scripture!

      2. The Preferred Means of Child Training
      • Twice the text tells us that “fathers” (vs. 3, 5) are the preferred means for teaching truth to their children.
      • Sometimes a masculine word/phrase is used in scripture (i.e., “sons of God” - John 1:12 KJV), but the context is clear that it can refer to men or women. But, that is not the case here.
      • The spiritual instruction of children is something fathers should take as their primary responsibility. The only other responsibility that is of comparable value is loving/leading our wives in spiritual things.
      • Obviously, both father and mother should be giving spiritual instruction to their children.
      • And, where there is no father figure the responsibility falls totally to the mother, grandparents, or mentor of the children.
      • One of the great tragedies today is the number of fatherless homes! Sometimes it’s providential, but too often it’s intentional.
      • Can a parent raise their children for God with an absent father? Yes! But, the task is much more difficult for a single parent than when both parents are participating and dad takes the lead.
      • When possible, children need the strong, godly influence of their fathers.
      • An example from the animal kingdom makes this point...

      To the surprise of game rangers, a gang of delinquent young male elephants began attacking and killing white rhinoceros at South Africa's Pilanesberg Park in the 1990s. At first the rangers thought poachers might be responsible for the killings, but since the horns of the dead rhinos weren't being touched, they ruled out that possibility.

      When rangers discovered the young male elephants were responsible - 39 rhinos were killed, 10 percent of the park's rhino population - they were baffled because that kind of elephant behavior is not typical. After researching the issue, the rangers realized the elephants causing the problems were orphans who had been transplanted from another park when they were young because that park had too many elephants.

      The solution - the rangers brought in some large bull elephants from Kruger National Park who quickly established their dominance and put the rambunctious unruly young male elephants in their place. After the big bull elephants more rhinos were killed, according to a story about the elephants on

      One author and lecturer uses the elephant story as an example of the instinctive need boys have for male role models. "Fathers have a powerful influence over their sons in many ways and one of the most significant is showing them the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior," He said. "Only a father or true father figure can teach what it means to be a male and what it means to be a father. That comes directly from the male lineage."

      • Dad’s have GREAT opportunity to impact their children for good and for God.

      3. The Purposeful Manner in Child Training
      • There must be a goal in mind when it comes to teaching our children spiritual truth (passing on the torch).
      • Of the six goals stated by Asaph, three are primary above the rest.

      1. (7a) “That they may set their hope in God” (i.e., that they trust/rely on God)
      2. (7b) “That they “not forget the works of God” (i.e., that they learn from the past)
      3. (8a) “That they “keep His commandments” (i.e., that they obey His Word)

      Haddon Robbison said, “If you don’t know His works, you have little to hope for and nothing to hope in.”

      • The goal of parenting our children in spiritual things isn’t just to pass along information. It’s to turn them into faithful followers of God who will teach their children to be faithful followers of God, who will teach your great-grandchildren to be faithful followers of God...etc., etc.
      • We’re suppose to be handing off the “Torch of Faith” to each successive generation and it only takes one generation to fail for us to lose the blessing of God! (cf. book of Judges)

      I took a piece of plastic clay
      And idly fashioned it one day,
      And as my fingers pressed it still,
      It moved and yielded to my will.
      I came again when days were past--
      The bit of clay was hard at last;
      The form I gave it, it still bore,
      But I could change that form no more.

      I took a piece of living clay
      And gently formed it day by day,
      And molded with my power and art
      A young child's soft and yielding heart.
      I came again when years were gone--
      It was a man I looked upon;
      He still that early impress wore,
      And I could change him nevermore. --Source Unknown

      1. Get started as soon as possible instructing your children while the “living clay” can still be molded.
      2. Be a biblically informed (not ignorant) parent because you can’t teach what you don’t know.
      3. Seize every teachable moment because biblical training is a spiritual process, not a special event.
      4. Be encouraged that the One who is “Father to the fatherless” (Psalm 68:5) will guide you, if your earthly father can’t or won’t.