Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bad Behavior On Facebook and other Social Media

Just a thought I recently shared with someone that is having trouble with caustic friends on Facebook.

For me, Facebook is like my "house." I consider it a privilege to host people in my "house." If you behave badly while you're in my "house," I BLOCK you from returning to my "house." If you add NO value to the conversation at my "house," I UNSUBSCRIBE/HIDE you so that I don't waste any time reading things that aren't meaningful and beneficial. But, I have hundreds of friends that I regularly welcome to my "house" and I am glad to have them here. Sometimes they make me think. Sometimes they make me laugh. Sometimes they make me cry. Sometimes they make a good point. Sometimes I'm a little embarrassed. Sometimes they touch my heart. Sometimes we all pray together. Sometimes I go to places I'll never go myself through the pictures they post. Always (at my "house")...we are respectful of others and use my "house" constructively and not destructively. If all you want to do is argue with me in my "house," well, you get ejected (BLOCKED) from my "house." This is my "house" and you are a guest here. I'm glad to have you at my "house" and I want to be a good host to you.  But, if you misbehave at my "house"...well, you know what happens by now!

Don't let others bring you down by continually reading things that are caustic, uselessly controversial, and critical. Also, consider who's making the posts you read and ask yourself, "Does this person add value to my life or are they merely trying to stir up controversy?" Not every opinion expressed in my "house" is a good one, but I don't feel obligated to correct them (and if I were going to offer correction I'd do it privately). But, when people's opinions feel more like they are bullying people about their pet peeves...well, you get voted out of my "house."

FB has been a wonderful tool for me to reconnect with old friends and to make some new ones, as well. It has allowed me to have some influence in people's lives beyond the pulpit, which is where my greatest influence is found. It allows me as a "Shepherd" to see and connect with the people of our church as God is at work in their lives. It also allows me to impact people who aren't believers by showing the way of Christ to them. Social media is a tool for me, but when someone misuses this tool...I take away their privilege of having access to the tool at my "house."

This is my "house" and I'm proud to have you at my "house" with me. But, please be advised, bad behavior will result in you being removed from my "house."

Just thought I'd help some of you rid yourself of any guilt for "blocking" or "hiding" someone on FB. I've done it and will continue to do it.


This post was originally only on Facebook and seen by my friends. I decided to put it on my blog, which is open to anyone on the web so they might read it and find some peace in de-friending a few people, too!