Thomas Rainer has identified five warning signs that a church is unhealthy and in trouble. Just as we have to monitor our physical health we must also constantly monitor the health of our own church. Inevitably, there are signs that point to trouble ahead, if we aren't too preoccupied to notice them.
Listen to Dr. Rainer's conclusions from his research and thank God our church is not exhibiting these trends. Then, let's ask God to do His work in us so that we NEVER become a congregation that is inward focused rather than outward focused.
The leading indicators of a church that is dying are...
- The church has few outwardly focused ministries. Most of the budget dollars in the church are spent on the desires and comforts of church members. The ministry staff spends most of its time taking care of members, with little time to reach out and minister to the community the church is supposed to serve.
- The dropout rate is increasing. Members are leaving for other churches in the community, or they are leaving the local church completely. A common exit interview theme we heard was a lack of deep biblical teaching and preaching in the church.
- The church is experiencing conflict over issues of budgets and buildings. When the focus of church members becomes how the facilities and money can meet their preferences, church health is clearly on the wane.
- Corporate prayer is minimized. If the church makes prayer a low priority, it makes God a low priority.
- The pastor has become a chaplain. The church members view the pastor as their personal chaplain, expecting him to be on call for their needs and preferences. When he doesn't make a visit at the expected time, or when he doesn't show up for the Bible class fellowship, he receives criticism. In not a few cases, the pastor has lost his job at that church because he was not omnipresent for the church members.
May God keep us focused on His purposes and His priorities!!